
Visit delegation Ports of Abidjan and San Pedro (Ivory Coast, West Africa)

On Monday 01 July 2019 a delegation from the Ports of Abidjan (represented by the Director-General Sié Yacouba Hien) and San Pedro (represented by the Director-General Hilaire Marcel Lamizana) visited STC.

Both ports are on the eve of change. The ports’ management structure is moving to a landlord port model creating port development companies. At the same time port rehabilitation and expansion plans are being planned.

In parallel to these developments the management is focussed on strengthening the workforce linked to the (near future) port activities. The aim of the visit was to share visions, knowledge and experiences about the future of work in the ports, and organisation of human capital development (education and training).

Visit delegation Ports of Abidjan and San Pedro

The visit was organised and hosted by STC International in cooperation with Erasmus University – Urban Planning and Transport.

For questions, please contact our Area Manager Africa, Middle-East and India/ Mr Sander Wubbolts –