The topic regarding intermodal transport & hinterland is part of the transport chain. In this course we consider the different modes of transport (road, inland waterway transport, rail and sea shipping) and the ports (terminals and the related logistic activities).
International trade is the foundation of transportation across the world as around 90% of international trade is done via maritime transport. In maritime transport, the two main components which play a role are the port and the modes of transportation. On one hand, there is the transportation by sea, which is done by ship. On the other hand, transportation on the landside of the port takes place via road, rail and/or inland waterway (pipeline is not included here). The port plays here a crucial role in connecting those two means of transportation (water side and land side), where infrastructure determines the physical flows and the means of transportation. Additionally, to make sure that transportation takes place in the most efficient and effective way, the port and its surroundings are considered vital in the process of optimizing international trade. This is exactly what the intermodal transport & hinterland course is about.
The mode of transport you use depends on where you want to go, the distance, the time it takes to get you to your destination, and what you want to take with you. This is applicable to you as a traveller or transporter of goods. If you have the time, a slow but economically feasible solution is in place (like transporting iron ore). If you’re in a hurry a fast but more expensive solution is acceptable (like transporting micro- chips). How do you find the balance in the types of goods, where they need to come from or need to go? How do all modes of transport play their role in finding this balance? How do you match the availability of these modes with the interconnection they have?
A complex environment where information, cost and the interest of various actors come together. The role of the port is a very important one where time, connectivity, information flow and the use of infra- and superstructures determine processes. It will take you around 18 hours to get a better understanding that can be proven by the certificate you will get.
Target Group
The course is specially designed for people and prospective managers working or interested in the maritime, ports, transport and logistics sector:
- (Young) Professionals
- Finance, IT, paralegals, not engaged in the day to day operations
- (Junior) Managers
- Supervisors and team leaders
- Project managers
The course is suitable for middle management/higher management and given on a Bachelor to a Master level.
The course will be provided in the English language.