On the 20th of March 2019, STC International was part of the Dutch delegation in Manilla during the 20th Annual JCMA meeting.
The JCMA ( Joint Committee on Maritime Affairs) is organized every year to discuss maritime topics relating to STCW’78 as amended, the IMO white list and the European Union. The Netherlands is the only country who has such bilateral meeting.
The Philippine’s are the second country of origin for the supply of Officer en ratings to the Dutch Merchant fleet for the Netherlands. At the moment, there are between 10.000 to 15.000 Philippine’s employed on Dutch Flagged ships.
In order to supply this amount of Officers the Netherlands has adopted P.I.T ( Palompon Institute of Technology) in Palompon, Leyte as the preferred supplier for cadet officers. STC International together with the KVNR are partnering with PIT in this important project. STC International is proud to be part of this important project since 2001.